President Rick Pipes called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Devotions were given by Don Kamban.

Proclamations for Denominations: Rick is pleased that his picks for the Final Four all made it. Tom Police is pleased to be considered for membership. Joe Vaughn is pleased to have returned from Phoenix, and Craig Cairns is pleased to see the sun!!!

On to the business portion of the meeting: Kristy Prucha of NPHS has two students who like to attend Sing Ohio at a cost of $200 per person. Joe Vaughn moved that we send two students, seconded by Craig Cairns. Motion carried. Scholarship Night for the Quaker Foundation is 2 May. Tickets are $25 each and Rotary is sponsoring a $1500 scholarship.

Kiley Kendall was installed as a new member, and she is going to be the next secretary!

Flag Project - Rick proposed having neighborhood advocates who would help sign up entire neighborhoods for the project. Other suggestions were to promote the flags at the Summer Showcase, and downtown New Philadelphia. Rick is going to talk to the service director.

Elaine moved that we sponsor the Rotary Gundy Invitational for NPHS track at a cost of $800. This was previously the Gundy Invitational, sponsored by the Gundy family in honor of Leo Gundy, but now includes son Ron Gundy, a longtime NP supporter and Rotarian. Motion seconded by Craig Cairns. Motion carried.

It was decided that more information was needed before we committed to funds for the Tuscarawas County farmers market, as New Phila also has a market on Tuesday mornings.

See you next week!